No Greater Love Orphanage, El Salvador
God works in mysterious ways, in this case through barefoot skiing.
Missionaries Jonathan and Alicia Farrant from Orlando felt a distinct calling to start an orphanage in El Salvador, where Jonathan loves to surf at the point break right off of Highway #2 at the K59 mark.
So in 2019, the Farrants created a budget for the imagined No Greater Love Orphanage (from John 15:13). They knew they could reasonably build it for no greater than $22,000. Then they prayed for the funds and waited for the Love.
Unbeknownst to them, a doctor in Minnesota who has a passion for barefoot skiing and serving got wind of the project and decided to do a ski-for-the-orphans fundraiser on the lake where he lives. He asked his lakeside neighbors to donate to the cause, with each one paying based on the amount of time he could remain standing while skiing barefooted by their houses before he wiped out.
The falls were hard, but the fundraiser was a solid success because that same year the Farrants received a surprise check for exactly $22,000. And the main building of the orphanage is now complete.
Surfing in the Sixties members enjoyed serving at the orphanage with their time, money, and talents during the November 2021 surf and serve (‘serf’) trip to El Salvador. We were also able to donate an automatic external defibrillator (AED) device for the orphanage and for the Farrant’s local community. And we caught great waves as a bonus. We look forward to ‘serfing’ at the orphanage and at the K59 surf spot again next year. Hope you'll join us.
By the way, the current needs at No Greater Love are mostly furnishings, with an estimated cost of no greater than $10,000 (see image below). And so whether or not you can ski barefooted, any donations (even $10.00) go a long way and are greatly appreciated. So please consider donating directly at and check out the photos and videos while you’re there.
Current Furnishings Needed at No Greater Love Orphanage.